Don’t be envious of people. Everyone just goes through different hell.

Stanley Kan and Josephine Teo.jpg

No one is perfect, and everyone goes through their own set of challenges.

I think this is a major issue that I see with this generation of social media centric era, we tend to put other people on a pedestal, and grow to love the kind of perceived lifestyle.

To be honest, most people who portrays perfect lives on social media, might have or might be going through personal hell that we do not know about.

People often think that I live an admirable life myself, being able to seat alongside with influential people for discussions, travel frequently for work, and seemingly living an amazing life.

However, this is so far away from the truth. People who know me personally, would know that I dedicate easily 15 to 18 hours a day working on my career, and that I have so many challenges in life that I don’t usually share.

When I was much younger during my schooling days (6 to 7 years ago), in order to pursue my working aspirations while studying, I often lived as a social outcast by choosing to be different (like wearing formal to school everyday, instead of casual outfit / or not hanging out with my classmates because I had many work commitments).

When everyone was at the age of enjoying their lives or making sure they had work-life balance, I was trying my best to ensure that my life commitments are all met - going through family woes, multiple relationship failures, going through many friends’ demise and also many broken friendships (especially those that I never thought would end).

Back then, I too felt that I got the shorter end of the stick - and the grass is always greener on the other side. I felt disheartened - why am I working so hard, when everybody else seems to be getting a better life.

But one day, I decided to stop letting that dosage of “comparison” poison, make me feel lesser than who I truly was. I decided to accept my life, be grateful for every opportunity and challenges (although I still gripe to my loved ones), and take control on improving my life daily.

Challenges happen to everyone, so before we start to become envious of everyone who is seemingly more successful, know that all of us goes through personal hell - and only those who survive the onslaught achieves the goals that we had set for ourselves.

I am still struggling daily, and I believe you are as well. But that is the game of life, and we just got to embrace the reality as we continue to experience the life of a wonderer.

Remember we are not alone, and I wish you all the success, just like I wish for myself too.


Don’t just say something, make it happen.


The first video I recorded about sales, did not sell. It sucked.